School Hours & Attendance
8:30am - School program commences
10:30am - Morning recess
10:50am - School program re-commences
12:50pm - Lunch
1:20pm - School program re-commences
2:30pm - Children dismissed
Parents are asked to ensure that children do not arrive at school prior to 8:00 am nor remain after 2:40 pm. Staff are not rostered for playground duties outside of these times so children’s supervision and safety cannot be guaranteed.
Early Collection
During school hours the children are strictly the responsibility and care of the school staff. No child is permitted to leave the school grounds without prior approval of the parents or knowledge of the school administration. If parents need to collect their child/children during school hours, they need to inform either the classroom teacher or the school administration and sign their child out at the school office.
Late Arrivals
Students are considered late to school if they arrive after 8.45am. Please sign your child in at the school office if they are late.
If your child is unable to attend school, please inform either the classroom teacher or the school administration.
Teacher Meetings
Please note that parents are asked not to conduct impromptu meetings prior to school commencing, as teachers are busy building relationships with students. If you wish to discuss an issue with a teacher, please contact the teacher or office to arrange a meeting.